

Experience Love this Summer, Like Never Before!

Join our Summer of Love Challenge and Create the Happy, Loving Relationship You Want NOW!

Challenge Starts June 12th-16th!

"Due to the love twins, our relationship has gotten stronger. I'm more confident and communicate without control."


"I'm a completely different woman today because I leaned into your coaching and I know with every fiber of my being that I would not be experiencing this extraordinary love "


High achieving, professional women often feel like it’s harder for them to find dates and create long term relationships.

If you feel that way too, the truth is: You’re not alone.

You’ve achieved success in other areas of your life, so you assume you should also be successful at finding love.

You work so hard at everything else, why can’t dating be easier?

You wish your perfect match would message you the moment you pull up the dating app!

You’re ready to attract him into your life now.

You’re ready to:

  • Stop wasting your time dating and manifest the relationship you want with power, grace, and ease
  • Know exactly what you want in a future partner and relationship and know how to attract it to you now
  • Spend the rest of your life feeling loved, supported, and inspired inside the relationship with the man who adds to your already incredible life!

You’re ready to make the Summer of 2023 be the summer you manifest Extraordinary Love!

… because giving up just isn’t your vibe!

You’re ready for the opportunity to break through the love barriers that are blocking you from having the love you want. 

It’s time to make your love vision a reality! 

You just need to know how.

You’ve already done so much…

You’ve read (what feels like) ALL the books on dating and relationships. 

You’ve attended workshops and worked hard on becoming your best self.

You’re on 15 different dating sites. 

You’ve rewritten your profile over and over making sure it’s just right. 

You’ve invested hours and weeks, months and years into dating, trying to find your perfect match..

And yet… you’re still alone.

And it’s defeating, disappointing and heartbreaking because you’re so ready for love.

If this is how you feel, know you’re not alone! We’ve got you. 

In the Summer of Love Challenge, you’ll discover exactly what to stop doing and what to start doing instead to find the perfect match for you NOW. 

You’ll no longer allow the people, circumstances, or heartbreaks of your past, choose the wrong men, stop you from being your authentic self, or tolerate anything less than the extraordinary life and love you want and deserve!

You’ll easily and effortlessly create the fulfilling, supportive, loving relationship you want with the man who’s perfect for you.

And you’ll be able to create it – this summer through the same steps we’ve taught and helped thousands of women around the world meet the man they end up marrying in 30-90 days!

What Clients Say…

My BF and I met before the love twins but feel there was magic dust. However, due to the love twins, our relationship has gotten stronger. I'm more confident and communicate without control. (I never thought I was controlling!) He feels less pressure to please me. He loves to please me. He also gets to do self care and work, etc

~ Jodi

I was so excited to have my sister attend the IWL with me along with a dear friend from yoga! I had attended the previous year's event and knew they would both have an amazing time and would get to see what was possible for them inside of their own relationships as Gladys & Michelle are experts in their field of love, relationships and dating. I knew they would be in the best of hands as they got to experience the weekend. The women in the group are so supportive and loving of one another and it filled my heart to be able to share in that experience with them!!

~ Jada

I appreciate you so much. Your relationship/life coaching is next level awesome g! I'm extremely grateful I discovered you and started working with you a year ago! I'm a completely different woman today because I leaned into your coaching and I know with every fiber of my being that I would not be experiencing this extraordinary love I have with Tom without your coaching. And, as a bonus, your heart work coaching has helped me take my relationship with my adult son to a new highly connected level. Finally, thank you for the surprise gift I received today- I absolutely love my new ways of being rocks and the beautiful heart necklace. I love it and I love you

~ Kathleen

My wildest dreams have come true! It started with two women who stood with me and for me through one of the toughest but most rewarding journey!
Thank you for inspiring and
teaching me to love

~ Diana

I have had some friends join me for the IWL for the past couple of years. I was so excited to share this amazing experience with them, since I have benefited so much from the coaches. Gladys and Michelle are nothing short of amazing as love and relationship coaches. They and their staff care so much for each of the participants and want everyone to achieve their dreams of an extraordinary love relationship. The community is super supportive as we know what's at stake and truly desire healing and love for each other. It's wonderful to share this experience and I'II keep sharing it because it brings healing, hope, love and beauty to the world for the ladies and the men who are looking for them!!!

~ Catherine

The Self-Love Secret Mission Challenge this week has been amazing!
VIP is so worth it because we get the recordings of the whole experience. Thank vou @Gladys Diaz and Michelle Roza!!

~ Catherine



By the end of these 5 days, you’ll have a plan for executing your Love Vision so that you can continue implementing newly-learned steps, skills, and ways of being, even after the challenge ends…

AND you’ll have everything you need to manifest the Relationship of Your Dreams this Summer!

With Master Love Coaches and Dating & Relationship Experts,
Gladys Diaz & Michelle Roza

We went from being frustrated, heartbroken single women, to attracting and keeping the love of our husbands, who have been loving us for decades!

We’ve also helped thousands of women break the dysfunctional, self-sabotaging thought and behavioral patterns so that they, too, are now living in the relationship of their dreams!

Gladys Diaz & Michelle Roza, aka The Love Twins, are Provessional Certified Dating and Relationship coaches and co-founders of Heart’s Desire International.

Over the past 15 years, they’ve helped  guide hundreds of women around the world to attract and meet the man of their dreams or reignite the love, passion and romance in relationships they once thought were over!

With their proven HeartWork Method, you can effortlessly create the loving, intimate, and lifelong relationships your heart desires … with power, grace, ease, and fun!

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